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Goodwill's Frequently Asked Questions

Goodwill Industries of Alberta is a local non-profit and social enterprise, strengthening communities and making a positive impact across Alberta. 

Our secondhand retail thrift shops and donation centres across the province provide funding for programs dedicated to supporting Albertan's with Disabilities or barriers to find meaningful work. 

About Goodwill

  • What is the Impact Centre?

    First and foremost, it’s AMAZING. Our amazing Impact Centre is the central hub for all of our sustainability initiatives and outlet store. At this location, you can purchase last chance items by the pound, and a furniture store that has an abundance of pieces at low prices.

    On top of our retail outlets, we house the Repair for Good program which upcycles broken and discarded furniture, we also sort, break down, and provide plastic to vendors who create new products, and our Goodwill @ Work team creates a variety of repurposed products such as cleaning cloths and crayons. Learn more about the Impact Centre and its programs, here.

  • What happens to unsold items at Goodwill?

    Goodwill Industries of Alberta is dedicated to keeping items out of the landfill. Therefore, all unsold items at Goodwill are shipped to other locations, stores or businesses to be sold, repurposed or upcycled. 

    For example, any donated item that is not sold at a Goodwill thrift shop is first taken to a Goodwill outlet. If the item isn't sold at the outlet at a discounted price, it is given a second life through the Goodwill Sustainability Action Plan.

    Programs within Goodwill to reduce impact on the environment include the recycling repurposing and upcycling consist of:


    Glass & Ceramics

    Voltage adaptors


    Broken Pallets


    Cigarette Waste

    Repair of broken furniture

    If the item cannot be put through this program, it is sent to a textile recycler or another company that can transform it into new materials for alternative uses.

  • What does Goodwill do with clothes they can’t sell?

    When Goodwill can’t sell donated clothes, they use various alternative options to keep the clothes from reaching the landfill. 

    Luckily, clothing is easy to recycle or upcycle. If Goodwill can’t sell clothing donations in-store, on its online thrift store or at a Goodwill outlet, the clothes are often sold to a textile recycler or other salvage vendor.

    These recyclers use the unsold clothing in various ways. For example, it may be cut up and used for different purposes or processed and recycled into a fibre filling for use in furniture or insulation. With the help of these alternative methods, Goodwill is able to keep millions of pounds of usable goods from reaching the landfill each year.

  • How much clothing does Goodwill throw away?

    Most clothing and other donated items are successfully sold in Goodwill stores across Alberta, and internationally. With the help of other methods of selling and recycling, very little, if any, unsold clothing and other goods are thrown away.

    To help keep clothing, household items and other used goods out of the landfill, Goodwill partners with local organizations to find alternative solutions. For example, Goodwill Alberta has a partnership with the University of Alberta that allows them to give clothing and household items left behind at residences a second chance.

    As a result of being able to resell, repurpose or reuse nearly all items that are donated, Goodwill has an 86% diversion rate from local landfills and helps communities across the world minimize their environmental footprint. Goodwill’s sustainability practices divert over 19 million kilograms from landfills annually!

  • What we do: I would like to learn more about Goodwill and what you do.

    Want to learn more about Goodwill? Our website is the best place to explore more about Goodwill. You can also visit to read our annual reports. As a non-profit organization since 1963, we are proud to showcase the GOOD we do in our province. If you have questions about the organization, please visit the CONTACT US page. 


Donating To Goodwill

  • Who will pick up donations in my area?

    Unfortunately, Goodwill does not have a pick-up service due to infrastructure and services not being available. If you would still like to donate and require a pick-up service, please contact College H.U.N.K.S. Hauling Junk and Removal. Please be aware College H.U.N.K.S. is a private enterprise and a fee will be associated with a donation pick-up. They will pick up items, including appliances, furniture, exercise equipment and more and deliver these donations to a Goodwill donation centre.

    College H.U.N.K.S. website.

    College H.U.N.K.S. Hauling picks up donations in the following areas.


    Southwest Edmonton

    South Edmonton


    Sherwood Park



    Northeast Edmonton


    Bonnie Doon


    St. Albert

    Jasper Place


    West Edmonton






    Fort Saskatchewan


    Thanks to this pickup service, donating goods to a thrift store has never been so convenient!

  • What clothes should not be donated to a second hand store?

    Clothes that should not be donated to a second hand store include ripped, stained, damaged or dirty items. You should not donate used items and clothes in poor condition because these items cannot be resold. Instead, damaged or dirty clothes should be recycled, upcycled or disposed of.

    In addition, for health and safety reasons, some types of children’s clothes should not be donated. This includes:

    Children's sleepwear

    Kids’ clothing with drawstrings

    Remember that although some clothes should not be donated to a used clothing store, this doesn't mean your clothing donation must go to the landfill! Used clothing can often be repurposed. So, please try to recycle or upcycle damaged, dirty or disallowed clothing items before putting them in the garbage.

    For a comprehensive list, please visit our GOOD Donations vs. Not-so-GOOD donations page.

  • Do you have to wash clothes before donating?

    Yes, you have to wash clothes before donating them to a second hand store. Clothing donations should also be new or in good condition. 

    If you donate used items and clothing that is not washed and dried, it may need to be disposed of. This is unfortunate - especially if you wanted your used clothing to find a new home! However, this protocol is necessary to protect our staff and customers.

    Please Note: Although unwashed clothing donations cannot be sold at Goodwill used clothing stores, we do our best to keep items out of the landfill. Therefore, instead of tossing unwashed clothes in the garbage, we send these items to textile recyclers whenever possible.

    Wondering - where can I take an old clothes donation near me? Check out the Goodwill donation locations above to find out where to drop off donations at a thrift store near you.

  • What happens to the clothes you put in the donation bin?

    Goodwill Industries of Alberta only has donation bins with partner eco-stations and landfills. You can see a full list of list of where Goodwill Donation bins are located by visiting the where to donate page.

    Donation bin donations are processed and priced before being put on the shelf. At Goodwill, our staff sorts through donated items and removes anything that cannot be sold, including damaged and soiled clothes.

    Part of our mission at Goodwill is to prevent clothing and other goods that can be repurposed or upcycled from reaching the landfill. Therefore, clothing donations that cannot be sold at our used clothing stores are sent to textile recyclers or salvage vendors. There, these items are processed and used for various alternative purposes. For example, fibre filling, insulation, etc. So, when you donate used items and clothes to Goodwill, you can be sure they will be put to good use!

  • Where to donate used baby items near me?

    You can donate used baby items at a Goodwill Donation Centre near you. Goodwill’s used clothing store donation centre locations and opening hours are listed above. Stop by any time during our operating hours to donate used items or drop off clothing donations!

    Goodwill accepts the following used baby items:

    Baby clothes

    Baby footwear


    Books, etc.

    Unfortunately, we cannot accept these used baby items for health and safety reasons:

    Baby gates and enclosures

    Strollers and carriages

    Cribs and cradles




    Bath seats

    Bath rings

    Toys with magnets


    Car seats

    Children's sleepwear

    Clothing with drawstrings

    Toyboxes without a lid stop

    Please Note: The lists above are not comprehensive. If you are unsure whether a used baby item can be donated to our second hand store, please call us at 1-866-927-1414. Alternatively, visit one of our donation centres near you, and our staff will be happy to help with item and clothing donation questions!

    If you would like to seek out a second option for donating baby items, we strongly urge you to visit Basically Babies.

  • Where can I donate sheets and towels near me?

    You can donate sheets and towels at Goodwill Donation Centres across Alberta. With over 30 used clothing store donation centres to choose from (plus donation bins at local eco-stations, throw n' go stations and landfills), there’s guaranteed to be a location to donate used items near you.

    Drop off donations at our thrift store donation centres in:



    Grande Prairie


    Sherwood Park

    Spruce Grove

    St. Albert

    When donating goods to our thrift store (like sheets and towels), please ensure the items are new or gently used. In addition, sheets, towels and clothing donations should be laundered before they are donated to our second hand store.

  • Can I calculate the weight of goods that I'm helping divert from the landfills?

    We have launched an Impact Calculator to provide tangible numbers on the huge impact that repurposing and recycling your items can create. You can input the quantity of clothing, accessories, housewares, and furniture you plan to donate or have donated in the past to get a calculated score.

    This score will show you the environmental effect by calculating the potential pounds of goods you have diverted from the landfills. You will also get a calculated number of hours that your donation has the potential to provide our mission’s programs and services used to place people with disabilities into new jobs & careers.  

    Try out the Impact Calculator here.

  • Can I recycle my electronics with Goodwill?

    You most certainly can! Goodwill has partnered with Quantum Lifecycle to provide electronics recycling across the province. This partnership allows us to accept your broken or unusable electronics, keeping them out of the landfills, and allowing you a safe and easy way to dispose of them.

    Quantum Lifecycle is able to recycle items such as laptops, cellphones, tablets, various styles of TVs and monitors, printers, AV Equipment, stereo systems, and more.  

  • Can you donate bras to Goodwill in Alberta?

    Yes, bras can be donated to Goodwill. As long as the bras are clean and new or gently used they will be sold in Goodwill’s retail stores. Keep in mind, Goodwill cannot accept wet or dirty clothing. So, before bringing items in for donation please be sure that they are laundered and dry.

    If the bras are damaged, they may still be accepted at the donation location. Bras that cannot be sold in-store, are sent to textile recyclers who convert the material into new products. This way, nothing goes to waste unless absolutely necessary. 

    Looking for a Goodwill Alberta donation location? Find the nearest Goodwill using our drop-off location locator.

  • Can you donate used socks to Goodwill?

    Goodwill accepts donated socks that are gently used or brand new. All clothing that is donated to Goodwill, should be clean and laundered before it’s brought in. Socks that are too damaged to be sold at Goodwill Alberta’s thrift store locations will be sent to outside organizations that recycle textiles into new products or materials for other uses. 

    To donate socks or other clothing items to Goodwill Alberta, visit one of our donation centers. Donation locations can be found throughout Alberta, including in Edmonton and surrounding cities. The profits from donations that are resold in our retails stores benefit local communities and help individuals in Alberta with disabilities.

  • Can I donate underwear to Goodwill in Alberta?

    Underwear that is new or gently used can be donated to Goodwill in Alberta. The underwear should be clean, dry and in good condition when they are donated. 

    Depending on the condition of the undergarments, they may be sold or recycled. For example, if the underwear is damaged or not suitable for resale, it may be sent to a textile recycler. The recycler will turn the material into wiping rags, upholstery stuffing or fibre recycling. 

    Even if you have articles of clothing, including underwear, that are ripped or damaged, consider bringing them to a local Goodwill donation center. By donating these items, they can be put to good use instead of being added to the landfill. If you’re in or near Calgary, the City of Calgary Throw ‘n’ Go is another location where donations can be dropped off. All items donated at this location are organized by Goodwill Alberta.

  • Can I donate a mattress to Goodwill Industries?

    Unfortunately, mattresses cannot be donated to Goodwill. Although Goodwill would love to accept all donations, some items cannot be accepted for health and safety reasons. Bedroom furniture that cannot be accepted includes mattresses, pillows, bed frames, bunk beds, hide-a-beds and waterbeds

    Undoubtedly, there are many items in these categories that are perfectly good for reuse. However, in some cases, these items may pose a health and safety risk to our staff or new owners. Therefore, to be safe, we do not accept them.

    Goodwill Alberta asks that anyone with a used bed or bed frame find an alternative destination for it.

  • Can I donate Christmas decorations to Goodwill?

    Christmas decorations and other holiday items can be donated to Goodwill in Alberta. This includes household holiday decor, Christmas lights and Christmas trees. However, please note that Christmas trees will only be accepted if they are in their original box or bag. All items should be in good condition when they are brought to a donation center

    Goodwill Alberta greatly appreciates all the donations received. When you donate to Goodwill you can rest assured your donation is going to a good cause. 89.2% of all profit goes back into the local community, helping people with disabilities find meaningful work.

  • What does Goodwill do with clothes they can’t sell?

    When Goodwill can’t sell donated clothes, they use various alternative options to keep the clothes from reaching the landfill. 

    Luckily, clothing is easy to recycle or upcycle. If Goodwill can’t sell clothing donations in-store, on its online thrift store or at a Goodwill outlet, the clothes are often sold to a textile recycler or other salvage vendor.

    These recyclers use the unsold clothing in various ways. For example, it may be cut up and used for different purposes or processed and recycled into a fibre filling for use in furniture or insulation. With the help of these alternative methods, Goodwill is able to keep millions of pounds of usable goods from reaching the landfill each year.

  • How much clothing does Goodwill throw away?

    Most clothing and other donated items are successfully sold in Goodwill stores across Alberta, and internationally. With the help of other methods of selling and recycling, very little, if any, unsold clothing and other goods are thrown away.

    To help keep clothing, household items and other used goods out of the landfill, Goodwill partners with local organizations to find alternative solutions. For example, Goodwill Alberta has a partnership with the University of Alberta that allows them to give clothing and household items left behind at residences a second chance.

    As a result of being able to resell, repurpose or reuse nearly all items that are donated, Goodwill has an 86% diversion rate from local landfills and helps communities across the world minimize their environmental footprint. Goodwill’s sustainability practices divert over 19 million kilograms from landfills annually!

  • Furniture donations: Which locations are able to accept them?

    Furniture donations: To ensure your donation is treated with the care it deserves, we ask that furniture donations are dropped off at select locations that can accept furniture donations. The Donation centres that are able to accept furniture include:

    Goodwill Impact Centre at 11415 168 St. NW
    Goodwill Westview at 18715 Stony Plain Rd
    Goodwill SouthPark at #180, 3803 Calgary Trail NW


    Goodwill Beacon Heights at #710, 12024 Sarcee Trail NW
    Goodwill Trans Canada at 1440 – 52 St. NE
    Goodwill Chinook at 5707B McLeod Trail SW
    Goodwill Impact Centre at 2731 57 Ave SE

  • Donation hours: Are there are certain hours I can donate?

    Donation hours: You can find the hours of operation of your preferred donation centre on our donation page.
    If you would like to donate, the best way is to stop by while there is a donor attendant to assist you.

  • I accidentally donated an item. How can I get it back?

    Every year Goodwill receives hundreds of thousands of donations. With so many items passing through our doors, occasionally something is donated by accident.
    If you have donated an item unintentionally, please contact us as soon as possible through our website or by calling the location at which the donation was made. You can find the contact information for all of our locations on our donate page.

    We highly encourage you to provide us with as much information as possible, including time and location of donation. As well as any pictures of the item.

    We make every effort to locate and return items that were donated by mistake. However, our efficient staff is typically able to accept, process, and place items for sale in our stores in less than 24 hours. If you have donated an item unintentionally, there is a better chance to recover it the sooner you are able to let us know.

  • Donation drives: I would like to know how I can organize one.

    Thank you for your interest in hosting a donation drive! Your efforts make a huge difference in our communities, helping to connect Albertans with disabilities to employment opportunities that provide the self-esteem, confidence, and sense of accomplishment that comes from earning a paycheck.
    The first step to organizing your donation drive is to contact us with an approximate date and location.
    Please contact (780) 944-1414 or for more info.

  • I would like to know if you have a donation pick-up service?

    Unfortunately, Goodwill does not have a pick-up service due to infrastructure and services not being available. If you would still like to donate and require a pick-up service, please contact College H.U.N.K.S. Hauling Junk and Removal. Please be aware College H.U.N.K.S. is a private enterprise and a fee will be associated with a donation pick-up. They will pick up items, including appliances, furniture, exercise equipment and more and deliver these donations to a Goodwill donation centre.
    This 48-hour priority service involves a fee, but should be especially helpful to donors involved in major cleanups. College H.U.N.K.S. will not only bring your donations to Goodwill, they will clear out your items that Goodwill is unable to accept and take them to another nonprofit or a recycler.

  • Where can I find the closest donation centre to me?

    To find your closest donation centre, check out our donation page.

  • What is the process for requesting a tax receipt for my donation?

    Goodwill is able to provide tax receipts for donations if any one item has a fair market value of $200 or more. Our donor attendants are equipped to manage this process. You will be asked to list the item(s) and their value and the information will be sent to our Finance department. Our Finance team will then send a tax receipt by mail. To ensure your items are valued properly, please bring a proof of value (online sale posting, etc.).

  • Do you take donations that are ripped, stained or otherwise damaged?

    The donations we receive from generous Albertans are placed into our stores for sale, and the revenue from the stores funds our mission of connecting Albertans with disabilities to jobs. For that reason, we ask that any donation of new or gently used household goods or clothing be clean and in good shape (i.e. free of rips or stains).

  • What to donate: I would like to know what is accepted at Goodwill.

    Goodwill strives to make the donation process easy for our donors, and we are happy to offer this guide to items we can and cannot accept. If you are still unsure of an item you’d like to donate, please contact us.


Goodwill Programs

  • Where can I learn more about your programs?

    Mission Impact encompasses a variety of departments and personnel dedicated to helping those with disabilities or barriers to find meaningful employment.

    Career Connections
    • Focused on helping people with disabilities and employers on the education of hiring people with disabilities.

    Goodwill Cares
    • Consisting of Navigators, who are essentially life coaches for all of our Goodwill team members.

    Goodwill @ Work
    • Providing employment for people at Goodwill for those with disabilities.
    To learn more about our programs, please visit our Programs page or Contact us.
    Goodwill also prides itself on equal opportunity employment. If you would like to apply for a position with Goodwill, please send a resume and cover letter to

  • Does Goodwill have a food donation program?

    Goodwill is a non-profit organization that works to connect Albertans with disabilities or barriers to meaningful employment in our communities. Our organization is not equipped to help other groups such as those transitioning out of homelessness. If you need assistance, please contact Alberta 211 by visiting their website at or by dialing 2-1-1 on a touchtone telephone.

  • Does Goodwill have programs to help those who deal with homelessness?

    Goodwill is a non-profit organization that works to connect Albertans with disabilities or barriers to meaningful employment in our communities. Our organization is not equipped to help other groups such as those transitioning out of homelessness. If you need assistance, please contact Alberta 211 by visiting their website at or by dialing 2-1-1 on a touchtone telephone.


Goodwill Round Up

  • Great, how can I start contributing today?

    You can start by visiting your nearest Goodwill, by finding that one-of-a-kind item that fits perfectly in your wardrobe or household. Visit to find one near you!

  • Where can I learn about how my change is being used?

    Thanks to the Round UP program, Goodwill Industries of Alberta has instituted a Goodwill Cares program. Goodwill Cares is fully funded through Round UP and has a goal of ensuring all team members have access to a life coach, to support them with the diverse challenges they experience in their lives. These life coaches help make positive progress in our team's life, in order to attain greater fulfillment.

    They can help team members with advocating and referring to community supports, accessing public services, career preparation and goal development, interpersonal relationships, and life transitions.

    Goodwill Cares helps with:
    • Advocating and referring you to community supports
    • Personal and life coaching
    • Assists with goal development and career preparation
    • Team dynamics and interpersonal communication
    • UKG support and onboarding support
    • Ongoing support to ensure accountability
    • Or if you just someone to talk to…

  • Aren’t I helping just by shopping?

    Yes! You absolutely are and we couldn’t thank you enough for your support! Having said this, your extra generosity is fully funding our Goodwill Cares program. Without the Round UP program, Goodwill Cares would not exist.

    This program has a goal of ensuring all of our team members have access to a life coach, to support them with the diverse challenges they experience in their lives. These life coaches help make positive progress, in order to attain greater fulfillment.

    They can help team members with advocating and referring to community supports, accessing public services, career preparation and goal development, interpersonal relationships, and life transitions.

    Goodwill Cares helps with:
    • Advocating and referring you to community supports
    • Personal and life coaching
    • Assists with goal development and career preparation
    • Team dynamics and interpersonal communication
    • UKG support and onboarding support
    • Ongoing support to ensure accountability
    • Or if you just someone to talk to…

  • How does my change help?

    At Goodwill 91, cents of every dollar you spend at our stores directly funds our mission of helping those with disabilities or barriers to get into the workforce. Under Round UP, 100% of the proceeds goes directly to the Goodwill Cares program. Without the Round UP program, Goodwill Cares would not exist.

    This program has a goal of ensuring all of our team members have access to a life coach, to support them with the diverse challenges they experience in their lives. These life coaches help make positive progress, in order to attain greater fulfillment.

    They can help team members with advocating and referring to community supports, accessing public services, career preparation and goal development, interpersonal relationships, and life transitions.

    Goodwill Cares helps with:
    • Advocating and referring you to community supports
    • Personal and life coaching
    • Assists with goal development and career preparation
    • Team dynamics and interpersonal communication
    • UKG support and onboarding support
    • Ongoing support to ensure accountability
    • Or if you just someone to talk to…

  • How do I Round UP?

    You can either “Round UP” your purchase to the nearest dollar or donate a set amount that you desire. All of these options will be available to you at the check-out.

  • What is the Goodwill Round UP program?

    When you buy something at Goodwill, you will be asked if you would like to Round UP your purchase to support one of our brand new programs at Goodwill. Shoppers get a chance to directly fund our Goodwill Cares program. Without the Round UP program, Goodwill Cares would not exist.

    This program has a goal of ensuring all of our team members have access to a life coach, to support them with the diverse challenges they experience in their lives. These life coaches help make positive progress, in order to attain greater fulfillment.

    They can help team members with advocating and referring to community supports, accessing public services, career preparation and goal development, interpersonal relationships, and life transitions.

    Goodwill Cares helps with:
    • Advocating and referring you to community supports
    • Personal and life coaching
    • Assists with goal development and career preparation
    • Team dynamics and interpersonal communication
    • UKG support and onboarding support
    • Ongoing support to ensure accountability
    • Or if you just someone to talk to…


Partnering With Goodwill

  • I would like to know if Goodwill can donate items to our cause?

    Goodwill is a non-profit organization that connects Albertans with disabilities to meaningful employment in our communities. Our mission is supported by placing the donations we for sale in our retail stores.

    We are very grateful to those individuals and organizations who make our communities a better place through their hard work and innovative initiatives. When we accept donations from generous Albertans, however, we believe that these donations are intended to help Goodwill’s mission of connecting people with disabilities to jobs. We become stewards of these donations with the responsibility to ensure they are used as intended. For this reason, Goodwill does not reallocate the donations we receive.

  • Partnerships. We would like to work with Goodwill. Who can I contact?

    Are you looking for Goodwill partnerships? We are excited to develop business partnerships that are successful for all parties involved. If you or your organization would like to work with Goodwill, please contact our head office at 780-944-1414 or by emailing


Shopping at Goodwill

  • Is online thrift store shopping a good idea?

    Online thrift store shopping is a good idea if you like thrifting! Online thrift shops, like the Goodwill online thrift store, make it easy to purchase used items from the comfort of your home. Most importantly, shopping for furniture, goods, and second hand clothes online is safe when you use a trusted online thrift shop like Goodwill. 

    Better yet, the money Goodwill makes from your online thrift store shopping purchase goes directly towards programs in your community. These programs provide meaningful employment opportunities for Albertans with disabilities. So, you can thrift shop online knowing you’re doing good for others!

    Wondering - what is the best online thrift store near me? Check out the Goodwill online thrift store for the best and most rewarding online thrift shopping experience!

  • How do I get the item(s) I purchased on the Goodwill online thrift store?

    To get the item(s) you have purchased at the Goodwill online thrift store, stop by the specified Goodwill location. Our staff will have your order ready to go! 

    Your pickup location(s) and instructions are provided on the Checkout Page. As well, you can see an item’s pickup location under the:

    Item title on the Online Thrift Store Page

    Cart total on the Shopping Cart Page

    When you purchase goods and second hand clothes online, they must be picked up. So, please be sure that you can pick up an item(s) at the specified location before making a purchase.

  • How does the Goodwill online thrift store work?

    The Goodwill online thrift store makes online thrift store shopping simple! Here’s how it works.

    Explore the used items and second hand clothes in our online thrift store.

    When you see an item you like, click the ADD TO CART button.

    Once you're done shopping, click on the Shopping Cart Icon that's located in the top, right-hand corner of your screen.

    On your Shopping Cart page, you’ll see all the items in your cart and have the option to add or remove items. When you’re ready to complete your purchase, click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT.

    Fill in your Billing and Payment details, select a pickup date and time, and click PLACE ORDER to complete your purchase.

    Before buying goods and second hand clothes online, please be sure you can pick up the item(s) from the Goodwill location specified.

  • Where to buy second hand clothes online?

    You can buy second hand clothes online at the Goodwill online thrift store! In addition to second hand clothes, you can purchase used furniture, footwear, books, games, and more. 

    Each week, the second hand clothes and items in our online thrift shop are updated - for the ultimate online thrift store shopping experience. Best of all, when you buy second hand items from the Goodwill online thrift store, you directly support members in your community with disabilities. So, you can thrift shop online knowing you are doing GOOD for the environment and your community!

  • Is there a Canadian online thrift store?

    Yes, Goodwill Industries of Alberta has a Canadian online thrift store. If you live in Canada, you can thrift shop online using the Goodwill online thrift store. That said, purchased items must be picked up from a Goodwill location. Therefore, before making a purchase, please ensure you can collect your item(s) at the specified pickup location.

    Looking for a Canadian online thrift store in Edmonton? The Goodwill online thrift shop has numerous items that can be picked up at Goodwill locations in Edmonton.

    What about an online thrift store in Calgary? The Goodwill online thrift store is the best place for Calgary residents to do their online thrift store shopping. Check out the used items and second hand clothes above and see what is available for pick up in Calgary.

    Whether you’re located in Edmonton, Calgary or another city in Alberta, next time you’re wondering - where is an online thrift store near me? - check out the Goodwill online thrift store!

  • Can I exchange or return an item?

    Currently, Goodwill Industries of Alberta exchanges apparel and electronics only.

    1. Only apparel items and electronics may be exchanged.
    2. Exchanges are for items of equal or higher value.
    3. All items must be exchanged within 14 days of purchase date.
    4. Original receipt must accompany the items being exchanged.
    5. Items being exchanged must have original tags still attached to them. (If a price tag has been tampered with, it will not be valid for exchange).

  • Where does the revenue from the stores go?

    Goodwill is a non-profit organization, and our mission is to connect Albertans with disabilities to meaningful employment. In 2018, 88.7% of revenue created by our retail operations was reinvested into making this mission a reality.
    Thank you, Alberta!

  • Senior discounts. I would like to know if you you offer them?

    Are Senior discounts available? Yes! Wednesdays are Seniors’ Days, and customers who are 60+ years of age are invited to enjoy 15% off regularly-priced merchandise.

  • I saw a great find online. Can I request that the store hold it for me?

    Goodwill’s policies are created to ensure that everyone has an equal chance to find incredible treasures in our stores. For this reason, our staff is unable to hold items for customers.
    The best part about shopping at Goodwill is that new items are making their way onto the shelves all the time! Even if the item you saw online is no longer available, there is sure to be something that will catch your eye.

  • I’m looking for a certain item. Do you have it in stock?

    The inventory in our stores is constantly changing. That’s what makes Goodwill such an exciting place to shop!
    Because the items in our stores rely on the donations we receive, our staff is not able to anticipate what will be coming out on the sales floor. If you have your heart set on a certain item, the best way to find it is to visit the stores frequently.

  • Tag sales: Are there any sales happening this week?

    Goodwill’s tag sales offer 50% off of items tagged with a certain colour. The colour on sales changes each week, and you can find the current sale colour on our website’s shopping page and on our Facebook page.



  • What is Goodwill’s diversion rate from the landfills?

    From our commitment to sustainability and growth initiatives, which we continuously improve on each year. Goodwill diverts over 21,000,000 kilograms from landfills annually, and this number grows each year! This means that all items donated to Goodwill, 88% of all items will avoid going to the landfill. Thanks to our sustainability action plan and the consideration of Albertans we are able to continue to create an impact. You can learn about our sustainability initiatives, achievements, and financials through our Annual Report. Read more here.

  • What is the Impact Centre?

    First and foremost, it’s AMAZING. Our amazing Impact Centre is the central hub for all of our sustainability initiatives and outlet store. At this location, you can purchase last chance items by the pound, and a furniture store that has an abundance of pieces at low prices.

    On top of our retail outlets, we house the Repair for Good program which upcycles broken and discarded furniture, we also sort, break down, and provide plastic to vendors who create new products, and our Goodwill @ Work team creates a variety of repurposed products such as cleaning cloths and crayons. Learn more about the Impact Centre and its programs, here.

  • Can I calculate the weight of goods that I'm helping divert from the landfills?

    We have launched an Impact Calculator to provide tangible numbers on the huge impact that repurposing and recycling your items can create. You can input the quantity of clothing, accessories, housewares, and furniture you plan to donate or have donated in the past to get a calculated score.

    This score will show you the environmental effect by calculating the potential pounds of goods you have diverted from the landfills. You will also get a calculated number of hours that your donation has the potential to provide our mission’s programs and services used to place people with disabilities into new jobs & careers.  

    Try out the Impact Calculator here.

  • Can I recycle my electronics with Goodwill?

    You most certainly can! Goodwill has partnered with Quantum Lifecycle to provide electronics recycling across the province. This partnership allows us to accept your broken or unusable electronics, keeping them out of the landfills, and allowing you a safe and easy way to dispose of them.

    Quantum Lifecycle is able to recycle items such as laptops, cellphones, tablets, various styles of TVs and monitors, printers, AV Equipment, stereo systems, and more.  

  • Does thrifting help the environment?

    Thrifting helps the environment significantly. Both donating to Goodwill and buying used clothes and other items help to keep these goods from going to landfills. This results in less landfill waste and reduced pollution. Goodwill diverts more than 86% of all items donated from landfills. Therefore, thrifting to help the environment, with Goodwill means you are helping to reduce your community’s environmental footprint.

    At the same time as helping the environment, donating and buying used goods at Goodwill helps people in your community with disabilities. Goodwill Alberta employs Albertans with disabilities and uses funds from its sales to support its mission. In fact, 90% of all revenues are used to help support this mission of helping Albertans with disabilities gain employment.

  • Is Goodwill eco-friendly?

    Goodwill is an eco-friendly organization that undertakes numerous environmental initiatives. 

    First and foremost, Goodwill’s core business model helps to keep millions of kilograms of waste from reaching landfills each year. To do so, Goodwill accepts donations of used clothing and other household items which it sells to raise funds to support its mission of helping individuals with disabilities in Alberta, and across the world.

    In addition to encouraging people to recycle their used items through donation, Goodwill focuses on reducing energy consumption from their operations. For example, Goodwill thrift stores use energy-efficient lighting and appliances and Goodwill Industries offsets energy use with renewable energy certificates. As a result of eco-friendly initiatives, Goodwills across the globe have won eco awards for environmental leadership.

  • What happens to unsold items at Goodwill?

    Goodwill Industries of Alberta is dedicated to keeping items out of the landfill. Therefore, all unsold items at Goodwill are shipped to other locations, stores or businesses to be sold, repurposed or upcycled. 

    For example, any donated item that is not sold at a Goodwill thrift shop is first taken to a Goodwill outlet. If the item isn't sold at the outlet at a discounted price, it is given a second life through the Goodwill Sustainability Action Plan.

    Programs within Goodwill to reduce impact on the environment include the recycling repurposing and upcycling consist of:


    Glass & Ceramics

    Voltage adaptors


    Broken Pallets


    Cigarette Waste

    Repair of broken furniture

    If the item cannot be put through this program, it is sent to a textile recycler or another company that can transform it into new materials for alternative uses.

  • What does Goodwill do with clothes they can’t sell?

    When Goodwill can’t sell donated clothes, they use various alternative options to keep the clothes from reaching the landfill. 

    Luckily, clothing is easy to recycle or upcycle. If Goodwill can’t sell clothing donations in-store, on its online thrift store or at a Goodwill outlet, the clothes are often sold to a textile recycler or other salvage vendor.

    These recyclers use the unsold clothing in various ways. For example, it may be cut up and used for different purposes or processed and recycled into a fibre filling for use in furniture or insulation. With the help of these alternative methods, Goodwill is able to keep millions of pounds of usable goods from reaching the landfill each year.

  • How much clothing does Goodwill throw away?

    Most clothing and other donated items are successfully sold in Goodwill stores across Alberta, and internationally. With the help of other methods of selling and recycling, very little, if any, unsold clothing and other goods are thrown away.

    To help keep clothing, household items and other used goods out of the landfill, Goodwill partners with local organizations to find alternative solutions. For example, Goodwill Alberta has a partnership with the University of Alberta that allows them to give clothing and household items left behind at residences a second chance.

    As a result of being able to resell, repurpose or reuse nearly all items that are donated, Goodwill has an 86% diversion rate from local landfills and helps communities across the world minimize their environmental footprint. Goodwill’s sustainability practices divert over 19 million kilograms from landfills annually!


Working And Volunteering With Goodwill

  • Work for Goodwill. I would like to know how I can apply for a job?

    Would you like to know how you can work for Goodwill? Our dedicated, ambitious and hard-working team members are the key to our success! If you’d like to join our team, check out our careers page or email your resume and cover letter to

  • Where can I learn more about volunteer opportunities with Goodwill?

    Goodwill is excited to welcome volunteers into our retail operations. Learn more about volunteer opportunities.

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