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Goodwill Industries of Alberta white logo official 2021
Publish Date: May 2, 2022

Celebrating 1 Year in St. Albert

Goodwill is celebrating 1 year in St. Albert! Just over a year ago Goodwill had the privilege of opening a new thrift store and donation centre to better serve the community of St. Albert.  Located on St. Albert Trail, this new location has created employment and training opportunities for those with barriers, as well as a place to shop with sustainable purpose.

Celebrating 1 Year in St. Albert 18

From the day that we opened our doors to the public for the first time, the entire community has been a proud supporter of Goodwill. In a single year, this community has generated over 25, 000 donations with 90% of those item proceeds going back into our mission services of assisting those with disabilities to find and gain meaningful employment!

On Wednesday, April 27th the Goodwill on the Trail team took to the floor to celebrate their 1 year milestone. Local talent and musician, Leo Martinez, was on-site playing his perfectly crafted playlist of songs as a surprise for our shoppers on top of a draw for a stacked gift basket. Below you can check out a few snapshots of the day, including delicious 1 year cupcakes because a celebration always needs a sweet treat!

On top of these exciting surprised, Mayor Cathy Heron joined Goodwill in proclaiming May 1 – 7 Goodwill Week in St. Albert.

For more than 60 years, Goodwill organizations across the world have celebrated Goodwill Week. This week is to raise awareness of our critical mission of gaining meaningful employment for those with disabilities. Your support is critical to this essential work.  When you donate or shop at Goodwill, you are helping us provide people with the training and support they need to find jobs, advance in their careers, and thrive. All week long from May 1 - 7 celebrations will take place across the province, including blue lit-up structures in cities like Calgary, Edmonton, and Grande Prairie!  Follow the celebration on our social platforms and learn about the success stories of our valued team members and those we serve through our Career Connections programs. 

St Albert Proclamation 2021
Celebrating 1 Year in St. Albert 33

Along with this proclamation, the Rotary Club of St. Albert was also in attendance to receive two gifts from Goodwill. The first being a sculpture of the Rotary Club logo, designed by Dave McCauley of Wetaskiwin, using donated forks and spoons from Goodwill. The second gift was of monetary value, giving back to our social economy, representing the number of parks in the St. Albert region, as we create a sustainable future.

Thank you to the entire St. Albert community for making a HUGE impact this past year and continuing to support our mission. We look forward to celebrating many more years with you to come.

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