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Goodwill Industries of Alberta white logo official 2021

Jean-Guy Charest

Nominated for: Antique Finds
Year: 2024

Get To Know Our Hall Of Famer

In November of last year, Jean-Guy found himself at a Goodwill retail store on the south end of Edmonton, purchasing a bag of watches for only $15. Within this bag was a 100 year old Cyma watch, dating back to a soldier from the first world war.

Engraved with H.G. Bessent (Bess-ENT) and a military number, this watch still works to this day, and Charest decided it was best to donate it back to its rightful home. The watch was sent to Grande Prairie, where the soliders son resides, reminiscing the memories from decades ago.

It’s the story that keeps getting better. When he returned the watch to it’s rightful owners in Grande Prairie, it started to get attention. First the local legion wrote a story. Then the local GP newspaper called. Then the Edmonton Journal called and sent a photographer and he was featured in the Edmonton Sun. Then CBC radio called and he did an in-studio interview with Jessica Ng the host of “Radio Active”. After the radio interview, he was blessed with more of their family calling him to share their thanks. Now, he's inducted into a Hall of Fame that all started with this watch. 
GOD works in mysterious ways. 

His motivation is my lack of cash and trying to find a good deal. He first got into thrifting to look for models to build during COVID. Soon after he realized that there’s treasure in those stores. 

If being recognized for this achievement gives Jean-Guy a chance to make a difference. He hopes that more people would be more inclined to be honest.

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