Goodwill on Whyte Fashion Show
Goodwill is hosting the Goodwill Fashion Show on Whyte Avenue in Old Strathcona from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m on July 13th.
Students at Muir Lake School collected over 2,000 pounds of donations including some valuable sewing tables, in a two day donation drive held from June 26 to 27.
“Muir Lake School was so proud to partner with Goodwill” said Janine Garley, head secretary and donation drive coordinator of Muir Lake School. “The Goodwill trailer was nearly full so we’re confident our school assisted Goodwill with your incredible mission of changing lives for the better through supporting Albertans with disabilities,” added Garley.
The school sent home with the students 500 promotional flyers and Goodwill donation bags, the Friday before the donation drive. “Goodwill is such a special and valuable enterprise doing so much good for Alberta and Albertans,” said Garley.