Thrift Store Bus Tour
Have you ever heard of Thrift Hopping? Well, on Wednesday, August 17th, thirty passionate thrifters celebrated National Thrift day by boarding a party bus that...
Help fill our new store with 5,000 pounds of donations in October.
We are extremely proud to announce the opening of our new store in Grande Prairie in the Gateway Power Centre at 10940 – 100 Avenue by Wal-Mart. This new location has a larger retail space with more values and great gently used merchandise for sale, and an easily accessible donation centre. Also located in this new space are the offices of our Community Employment Programs and Services.
This new store is a bright and friendly location giving Grande Prairie a fantastic new thrift store. Our old location at Towne Centre Mall will permanently close on October 8th and our new location opens on October 12th. Make sure to come down and check us out.