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Goodwill Industries of Alberta white logo official 2021
Publish Date: January 25, 2024

Repair for GOOD

Repair for GOOD now in Calgary!

Repair for GOOD is an award-winning program, taking broken and discarded furniture and turning it into one-of-a-kind centerpieces for your home! You can find these special pieces of furniture at Goodwill retail locations such as:

Through Repair for GOOD, we have the ability to repair and upcycle un-usable furniture and re-selling the items at an affordable price to our customers. Our community of partners (like ATB Financial) and customers have given us tremendous support in donating supplies, referring volunteers, and buying the beautiful pieces we’ve upcycled.

Repair for Good - how it works, who it supports

How the Program Works

  • People donate broken or discarded furniture to Goodwill donation sites.
  • These items are transported to the Goodwill Impact Centre (in Calgary and Edmonton) where our team assesses and begins the planning of refurbishing.
  • Furniture is then repaired and upcycled by a dedicated group of volunteers and those with disabilities trying to gain experience in the field of carpentry.
  • Repairs include using environmentally friendly paint and supplies.
  • The finished pieces are then transferred to a Goodwill retail store to be sold.
  • Proceeds support our mission of helping those with a disability or barrier to find and gain meaningful employment.
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Learning Job Skills

While participating in the Repair for Good program, volunteers are supported by talented and passionate artisan educators at Goodwill. The mentors guiding our volunteers have an extensive background related to woodworking and artistic design, as well as a burning desire to provide people with barriers and disabilities with a newfound sense of joy.

The Repair for Good program has proven to aid our volunteers in the process of creating a path towards finding purposeful employment, as well as extending the lifecycle of roughly 60% of broken furniture donations.

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A New Beginning

By creating a new centre piece for your home, we are diverting more furniture out of the landfill than ever before. Our imagination is limitless for what can be created and includes:

  • Dining Room Table
  • Pet Homes/Cages
  • Themed Dressers
  • Modern Display Units
  • Refurbished Decor
  • Modern Desks
Before and After Repair for Good
Repair for GOOD 6

Thank you for your support, as your donations make this program a reality.

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