Thrifting for men!
I started thrifting alone as a way to pass time while I waited for my husband to finish up a class he was taking. Soon...
YCONIC/ and Goodwill Industries of Alberta have teamed up to help support those attending Post-Secondary schooling.
Apply for the Goodwill Industries of Alberta Scholarship for GOOD for a chance to win $2,500 to boost your efforts in spreading good vibes and making a positive impact.
With tuition fees on the rise and living expenses adding up, many students and their families find themselves grappling with the daunting prospect of accumulating debt to fund their academic endeavors. However, amidst this financial landscape, there exists a beacon of hope – student scholarships.
Introducing the Scholarship for GOOD open to all Alberta students 14+ and their parents.
Apply for the Goodwill Industries of Alberta Scholarship for GOOD for a chance to win $2,500 to boost your efforts in spreading good vibes and making a positive impact.
No minimum GPA or essays required for entry.
Congratulations to the 2024 winner of the Scholarship for GOOD, Caitlyn U. for being the first-ever recipient of the award.
Caitlyn is using the scholarship to support her studies in Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies at the University of Calgary.
Goodwill Industries of Alberta is excited about the re-launch of this scholarship for 2025 to see how GOOD vibes supports learning initiatives for future employment.