Thrift Store Halloween Decorations: Spooky Ideas for DIY Halloween Decor
Take your spooky DIY Halloween decor to the next level with these thrift store Halloween decorations.
I love the drama of a summer storm—the thrill of thunder and ever-exciting lightning add interest to dreary weather. But after a few rainy days in a row, it’s easy to feel like storms are cramping summer style. Don’t let cabin fever get the best of you! Here are four ideas for summer storm solutions…
Tip 1: Keep cool. With so much moisture in the air, things can feel steamy so make sure you’re prepared. Of all the houses and apartments I’ve ever lived in, never once have I had an air conditioner installed. Can you believe that? Because of this, I rely on fans to keep cool and I know I’m not alone. Big box fans may do the trick, but they’re also a pretty huge eyesore so I prefer stylish choices whenever possible. This vintage fan makeover from Jamie of the blog Anderson and Grant is so lovely! She found the fan at Goodwill and updated it to suit her space with a fresh coat of paint. Metal can be tricky to repaint, though, so make sure you check out her post for more details on this chic transformation if you’re interested in giving it a try yourself!
Tip 2: Find easy entertainment. Stay distracted from the disappointment of a canceled beach day with indoor activities. Can’t think of any?
Make a list of things to look for ahead of time then head with your crew over to the closest Goodwill. As you search for each item on the list, you may even stumble upon your new favorite find—who knows?
Tip 3: Pick a project! If you can’t go to the beach, perhaps the beach can come to you with a quick nautical lamp update. Blogger Adrianna walks readers through the steps it took for her to create this beachy embellishment over on Goodwill of Orange County (Santa Ana)’s site. The lamp started out bland and boring, but with some coiled rope and hot glue, the personality is piled on. I can almost feel the sand between my toes when I look at this perfect summertime display. What a great way to pass the time during a summer storm!
Tip 4: In response to the storm clouds, support a social enterprise that will help to brighten someone else’s day. What’s a social enterprise? Well, it’s defined by values based on promoting the common good. Goodwill measures itself by three goals: empowering individuals, ensuring self-sustaining enterprise and positively impacting the environment. Behind these values is the belief that everyone should have the chance to succeed through the power of work and when you shop at or donate to Goodwill, you’re helping to positively impact the world around you despite the gloom of a passing storm. Hopefully, these tips will help you sneak in some summer fun even when you’re stuck inside.
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A home decor/DIY blogger at LITTLEroost. From her little roost in rural New England, fueled by coffee and fresh air, Julia blogs for Goodwill Industries International creating sustainable DIY, home decor, and fashion content from thrifted finds.