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Goodwill Industries of Alberta white logo official 2021
Publish Date: October 6, 2020

Throw 'n' Go Calgary

What happens to the clothing and textiles brought to the City of Calgary Throw 'n' Go?

Clothing and textiles are donated, reused or recycled depending on their condition. Any reusable clothing is sent for resale to retailers internationally. If the item isn't reusable, it will be recycled instead. Textile recyclers turn old clothing, shoes, linens and fabrics into new products. Materials are sorted, cleaned and can be turned into wiping rags or shredded down for upholstery stuffing or fiber recycling.

All dropped-off clothing and textiles are organized by Goodwill Alberta.

Bin Stickers jpeg

Please note that Goodwill does not offer textile recycling bins at any other locations in Calgary. However, you can take clothing and shoes to a Goodwill store for donation and recycling as well.

Is there a list of recyclable clothing, shoes and textiles?

Yes. The City of Calgary Throw 'N' Go bins accept a variety of textiles including:

  • Clothing (shirts, dresses, pants, underwear, sweaters)
  • Outerwear (e.g. coats and jackets)
  • Shoes and footwear (sandals, sneakers, runners, dress shoes, heels)
  • Purses, backpacks, wallets, and belts
  • Household linens (e.g. bedding, towels, curtains, pillows, tea towels, duvets and blankets)
  • Reusable shopping bags (e.g. cloth grocery store bags, Lululemon bags)
  • ​​Burlap bags (coffee or rice)
  • Underwear, bras and hosiery
  • Accessories like hats, mittens and scarves
  • Cleaning cloths, rags, and scrap fabric (ensure cleaning fabrics are laundered first)
  • Carry-on sized luggage, suitcases and duffel bags (these bags must fit in textile bin otherwise please take to a Goodwill thrift store or donation centre.

How do I prepare clothes for recycling?

  • Even if the material is ripped or damaged, make sure that all clothing and fabrics are clean before bringing in for recycling.
  • Place items inside a bag before dropping off at the City of Calgary landfill Throw ’n’ Go. This helps keeps the clothing dry and makes it easier to collect.
  • If you bring other garbage in your load, landfill charges will apply.

For more information please visit the City of Calgary.

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